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Meal Prep Solutions For Busy WFH Moms

Meal Prep Solutions For Busy WFH Moms

Meal Prep Solutions For Busy WFH Moms

The pandemic has changed me in many ways. One being I rarely ever go to the grocery store anymore.

During quarantine, I started using a grocery delivery service and basically haven’t looked back since. I’m ashamed to say I’ve only acquiesced further and further into the black hole of automation. Recently we signed up for a meal prep service my best friend recommended. While many people have controversial thoughts about these services, I tend to agree with them.

Here are some reasons I find meal services beneficial:

  1. I’m indecisive. I love that the process doesn’t involve selecting the recipes. You don’t pick the meals, only the meal type (i.e. family-friendly, keto/healthy, etc.). It makes for not only a seamless process but a thoughtless one as well. Personally, as a busy mom to an 18-month-old toddler, I’m all for eliminating the prep work. And so far, the Hello Fresh’s picks for us have been a 10/10 hit- similar to items I would select for myself off of a restaurant menu.
  2. Saves you a trip to the store. As mentioned above, I’ve really grown akin to not having to set foot is a grocery store. Indeed, how much money have you wasted by things that distracted you while pacing the aisles? I know I’ve suffered from this opportunity for distraction quite a bit.
  3. Saves you the prep work. All ingredients for each recipe are included in perfectly measured portions. Meals come with a card containing both written and visual instructions. Literally, all you have to do is take everything out and follow along. However, you will want to make sure you have the basics like pots, pans, butter, sugar, salt, and pepper.
  4. Clean up is easy. I just put everything back into the bag it came in and voila! You’re done.

Meal service is a great solution for busy, WFH moms like me who don’t have time to cook. Or if I’m being honest, it’s more so that I just don’t enjoy it, lol. There are many people who prefer to do it the old school way, finding recipes and making them from scratch. To them I say “to each his own.” This is simply what works well for me and my family at this moment in time.

Have you ever tried a meal service? What do you think of them?

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