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On The Blog, Notes by Nani

Everyone procrastinates. However, for individuals with avoidant personality types procrastination can pose some serious challenges to daily life. Avoidant personality types avoid tasks and responsibilities not just out of laziness, but due to fear of criticism, rejection, or failure. This


In previous blog posts I’ve talked about the importance of blocking off time on your calendar for self-care throughout the day. It’s essential to be proactive about “filling your cup (or emotional reservoir) up”, so you don’t find yourself running


October is Filipino American History Month which means it’s time for a walk down memory lane to observe Filipino history in America. Ever since I became a cohost of The Filipino American Woman Project podcast, it’s been a tradition for


Desire is an essential part of human nature. Therefore, it’s best we accept the real estate it occupies in our minds and hearts. Instead of trying to fight it, learning more about the different types of desire we need to


You probably hear the terms “health” and “wellness” often used interchangeably. While many of their facets do overlap, they each have distinct meanings and implications for your well-being. In this blog, we will explore their definitions and how they intersect


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