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What To Pack For Baby's First Plane Ride

What To Pack For Baby’s First Airplane Ride

What To Pack For Baby's First Plane Ride

This month, we took Hiro on his first out-of-state trip… via plane!

Let me just start by saying… he did so good! My fiance and I made sure we mentally prepared for the worst, just in case. And he ended up being quite the angel on both flights.

When it came to packing, I kept it as simple as possible. I only packed enough for our planned 24-hour trip, plus an extra set of each essential (keep reading to find out how this theory ended up working out for us, lol 😒). I packed one suitcase for mama + baby, and one plane bag that would be my carry on.

In the plane bag, I packed:

  • Diapers, wipes, & portable diaper changing mat
Coterie Diapers & Wipes
Portable Changing Mat (Amazon) – $9

Calculate how many diaper changes you should pack for for however long you’ll be in transit for (or however long until you can get somewhere that sells diapers once you reach your destination), then pack 2-3x as many diapers & wipes you think you’ll need.

I also love these portable changing mats I can fold up & keep in my purse. As a true germaphobe, there’s no way I’m putting my baby’s bare skin down on those public restroom changing tables!

Make sure to change the dipe as close as possible to flight departure & arrival times.

  • Ready-to-use formula, bottles (*slow flow), & burp clothes
Similac Ready To Feed Infant Formula (Target) – $16/box

Ever since I stopped breastfeeding, these to-go formula bottles are expensive but have changed the mom game fr. Calculate how many feedings you’ll need to pack for, from baby’s last feeding at home before you head to the airport, to the time you’ll be checked into where you’re staying and can feed again. Pack 2-3x extra (yes, you’ll probably need to use a bigger bag than you originally thought) in case of emergency.

*Plan for unexpected flight delays!!!

Especially if you’re flying Southwest, keep in mind flight times are subject to change – and they will. On our return, our flight home ended up being delayed 4 hours! Good thing I packed an extra three feedings’ in my plane bag!

Dr. Brown’s Baby Bottles (Dr. Brown’s)

You can wash these in between flights at the airport/on the plane. I would recommend packing 2-3. If you have a portable sterilizer, pack that too.

*Make sure regardless of what stage nipple your baby is drinking out of, bring a 0+ mo *slow flow* nipple to use on the plane. Try your best to time baby’s feedings for when you’ll be ascending & descending on each flight. Otherwise, be prepared to soothe him with pacifiers if the air pressure agitates him.

Muslin Burp Clothes (Amazon) – $16

Being confined to a narrow airplane seat is already uncomfortable enough when flying alone. Imagine sharing that tiny space with another tiny human who you have to hold securely the entire flight. As you can imagine, it can get messy. These muslin clothes are our saviors on the go to quickly wipe up drool, spit up, etc.

  • Extra set of clothes (for both mama & baby)
Bring Everywhere Magnetic Footies (Simply Magnetic Me) – $72 (set of 4)
Women’s Co-ord Lounge Set (Target) – $35

Dress smarter, not harder! Plan to have to take your baby out of his stroller (& disassemble the whole thing into individual parts, too, along with your luggage) to go through security. Wear clothes & shoes that are easy to get on/off, and that will keep you cozy on the plane. Bring an extra shirt in case you get thrown up on during a burp sesh, and same for baby.

For baby, I prefer these onesies that are magnetic to make changing outfits on the go as seamless as possible. They also take up less room in your bag so it’s not stuffed to the brim.

I didn’t anticipate Hiro needing more than one spare change of clothes for our flights, so that’s all I packed. Then he had a blowout. Like he’s never had a blowout before… I had to literally throw away all the clothes he was wearing, the changing pad I had laid down underneath him, and the entire pack of wipes I had in my bag.

Even if you feel sure you won’t need it… Pack the extra outfit! Don’t get caught slippin like I did. 😹

  • Pacifiers
Philips Avent Pacifiers (Target) – $6

These are the only binkies we’ve used with Hiro thus far. Stash a few in your plane bag to soothe a fussy baby.

  • Plastic bags for dirty items

One thing I’m so glad I did was pack empty ziploc bags to put dirty bottles, binkies, burp cloths, clothes etc. in while on-the-go. How gross to have these dirty items just floating around with the rest of the clean supplies in your bag. 🥴

In our suitcase, I packed

  • Travel crib
Guava Lotus Everywhere Travel Crib (Guava Family) – $220

Ok, I didn’t pack this in our suitcase. We checked it as a separate luggage. This is where Hiro slept during our trip.

  • White noise machine
White Noise Machine (Target) – $20

We’ve been using the same white noise machine since I was about three months pregnant. We would play the noise & hold it up to my belly, and then I’d feel his butterfly kicks in my tummy. Now, he doesn’t sleep without it.

  • Our clothes, shoes & toiletries for the trip
Honest Baby Travel Toiletry Set (Honest) – $50
Skin1004 Centella Skincare Set (Amazon) – $26

Some brands I’ve been loving lately for mama & baby 😉

  • Sleep swaddles
Halo Sleep Sack (Halo) – $26

Pretty sure I speak for both me & my fiancé when I say we have tried. every. swaddle. out there.

The Halo Sleep Sack quickly became our holy grail. Hiro has a bad case of the Morro Reflex, which makes it extra hard to put him down for naps if his hands are free. This swaddle allows us to subdue his arms from flailing freely, and once he can roll over & his Morro Reflex goes away, will allow us to still swaddle him while leaving his arms free.

  • An extra pack of diapers & wipes (see above)
  • More burp cloths, binkies, bottles (see above)
  • Portable playmat (if you can fit it)
Portable Playmat (Pottery Barn Kids) – $70

If you think you’ll have downtime in the hotel/if there’s room in your suitcase, this is a great item to bring. Absolutely not necessary though.

  • First aid kit
First Aid Kit (Amazon) – $18

Tips & tricks

  • Try to plan feedings during ascent/descent times on flights; suck baba or binkie to prevent ear popping
  • Buy formula and/or diapers when you get there; save the space in your suitcase
  • Consider whether you have a car seat you can travel with (one without a base to fit in rental cars)
  • Don’t bring anything you know you won’t need (extra clutter)

What I’ll do differently next time

  • Wear cheap, comfy clothes for the plane & pack *a few* extra changes (not trying to relive our last blowout)
  • Bring a baby carrier for hanging out in the airport (think: delayed flights; try not to leave him in carseat for long periods of time)
  • Keep your & baby’s outfits for the plane rides simple & minimal (yes they WILL make you remove baby from & disassemble the entire stroller when going through security)
  • Make RSVP beforehand. With a baby, every move you make is complex. We spent 2 hours/meal looking for somewhere to eat while on our trip to Seattle. Lugging the stroller in & out of the car, up & down hills, stairs, etc. at at least three different venues, who all turned us down for various reasons. For both breakfast & dinner, we ended up just eating at the restaurant in our hotel lobby after getting so frustrated bouncing around town. My tip for next time would be: plan (yes, this means making actual RSVP) as much of the trip you can ahead of time. Have an itinerary. In the past, it may have seemed like overkill. But when traveling with an infant, you’ll appreciate the forethoughtful structure when in motion.
  • *PACK YOUR OWN SNACKS. ‘Nuff said.

All in all, it was a good first family trip. We can’t wait to do it again!

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