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7 Simple Self-Care Activities You Can Do Right Now For Better Stress Management

7 Simple Self-Care Activities You Can Do Right Now To Manage Stress Better

In previous blog posts I’ve talked about the importance of blocking off time on your calendar for self-care throughout the day. It’s essential to be proactive about “filling your cup (or emotional reservoir) up”, so you don’t find yourself running on empty and risk potentially damaging your mind’s engine. An engine needs to be fueled; otherwise the metal just grinds itself into destruction. Inserting small moments of self-care into your daily routine is the gas to the engine that maintains your mental and emotional health.

The time you take for yourself doesn’t have to be filled with grand gestures. Primarily, it’s the small acts of kindness that end up being the greatest gifts you can give yourself. With that said, let’s review some activities you can deploy for better stress management throughout the day.

7 Self-Care Activities for Better Stress Management

Move your body.

Depending on the relationship you have with your body, you might set a timer and spend 5-10 minutes dancing, stretching, doing yoga, a quick set of squats, or taking a walk around the block for some fresh air. Anything that gets raises your heart rate, even the slightest bit, gets the job done.

Listen to music.

Someone mentioned to me the other day how good music is such good nourishment for the soul. At times, music can even provide an alternative solution to a breakthrough therapy session (and it’s free99).

My suggestion on how to best incorporate music as soul food into your day?

Make a playlist of ‘feel good’ songs that make you feel at home with yourself whenever you hear them. Create a widget linked directly to this playlist on your phone’s home screen to remind you it’s there for you whenever you need to throw it on. Don’t have the time to curate one? Here, you can use mine.

Smell something good!

A tiny but mighty act of my self-care routine is spritzing myself with my favorite, signature perfume. Whenever I’m in need of some affection I’ll excuse myself for a quick bio break to spray myself with my favorite fragrance. You can also light a candle, incense, essential oils, or palo santo instead, depending on the type of comfort you’re in need of that day.

Sit for a guided meditation.

For beginners, I recommend using a guided meditation app, or you can find them for free on YouTube.

Do a brain dump.

When you feel anxious thoughts piling up it’s important to dump them somewhere so they don’t consume your mind and distract you throughout the day. As often as you need – but at least once a day – make it a point to dump all the emotions you’re feeling into a journal.

Affirm your guideposts.

Aside from reciting daily mantras and affirmations, you can accomplish this by listening to an audible book, podcast, or scrolling through an affirmations app that affirms a core belief you’d like to focus on. This can be anything that facilitates an influx of positive inspiration for you.

Watch something that makes you laugh.

Whether it’s funny YouTube videos, a Netflix comedy special, or your favorite reality TV show; whatever you do, don’t forget to laugh. Much of life’s stress is caused by worrying and overthinking. To stop yourself from spiraling, find things that remind you not to take everything so seriously. Humor is a critical ingredient for self-care.

What’s a go-to activity you indulge in when you need to show yourself some love?

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