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Irritable, Much? Use These 4 Questions To Check In With Yourself

Irritable, Much? Use These 4 Questions To Check In With Yourself

Have you noticed yourself more irritable than normal, lately?

Irritable, Much? Use These 4 Questions To Check In With Yourself

Don’t be a grinch this holiday season.

When your equilibrium is off, it’s usually because there’s something going on beneath the surface that’s gone unaddressed for too long.

But what could it be?

Take a moment to reflect on these four questions:

  1. Are you repressing anger from the past that’s refusing to stay bottled up any longer, therefore it’s now manifesting itself through your behavior?
  2. Check your expectations vs. your reality. Are there needs you have that aren’t being met? When our needs aren’t being met, resentment can build quickly.
  3. Are you plugged into your support system? Are your friends, family, partner, etc. expressing their love & appreciation for you in ways you can receive & understand? Or, are your defenses up to protect yourself from toxicity, abandonment, or nonrecipricol relationships?
  4. What are your stress levels looking like? Have you reached your capacity for dealing with big emotions? Once we hit that limit, we might react irrationally or unusually to things that frustrate/upset us.

It can be easy to get lost in the sauce moving through the day-to-day motions of life. Oftentimes, we don’t realize we’re slipping into these circumstances or find it hard to name when we know something’s off.

When we notice we’re not acting in integrity with our values, it’s important to dig in.

Whether you choose to reflect on it with a professional, a friend, or simply sit down to have the conversation with yourself – make sure you run through the questions above to get to the bottom of whatever’s going on. From there, you can figure out what steps you’ll need to take next to relieve the tension.

Happy holidays! <3

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