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Here’s How To Bounce Back From That Slump You’ve Been In

Do you feel like you’ve reached your threshold? Or like you’ve been running on fumes, trying to avoid any interruptions to your “productivity”? Have you been dismissing your intuition when it tries to warn you you’re reaching a breaking point?

If this resonates; it’s time to surrender to your subconscious & acknowledge your new, increased limitations.

The reality is regardless of how overwhelmed/exhausted you are, life will continue to carry you forward. Even if all you did today was keep yourself alive, you’ve still succeeded. You’ve still survived. You still have a multitude of blessings to count and express gratitude for. 

Instead of driving yourself crazy worrying about how you’ll meet everybody else’s expectations- let’s focus on you & brainstorm how we can rebuild your reservoir

First, let’s talk about how we got here to begin with. 

Usually, it’s because we keep trying to repeat outdated patterns. When a child burns their finger on a hot pan on the stove for the first time, they learn to associate the hot pan with a feeling of fear that informs them not to touch it again. As they get older they realize there’s no need to be afraid as they discover different ways to conquer their fear; i.e. using a utensil to remove food from the pan, wearing an oven mitt to handle hot cookware, letting the pan cool down first, etc. They now know that with taking the appropriate precautions, the same hot pan that once traumatized them can also be used to their advantage by learning how to cook.

Instead of associating a hot pan on the stove with the shocking burn they experienced as a child, they now connote the scene with nostalgic feelings of home, memorable comfort foods and special loved ones. If the child never learned how to interact with hot objects on the stove, they would have carried that fear with them and continued to reinforce it every time a hot pan was in sight. Think about the simple joy & pleasure a home-cooked meal brings that they’d be missing out on… All because of a fear that was no longer relevant/applicable.

When we repeatedly try to apply outdated imprints to neoteric quandaries, we create cognitive dissonance.

This internal conflict signals the harsh realization that something isn’t working. At this point it becomes impossible to continue in our old ways, and we’re finally faced with the critical decision to take personal responsibility for changing our circumstances. When we feel wounded we’re inclined to get stuck in this space; aware our choices aren’t serving us, but also seemingly unaware of how to choose differently. Some might even identify this as depression or hitting rock bottom; but sometimes all we need is a little help tweaking our perspective to figure out how to get back in our power.

What if instead of sulking in our pools of pity, we saw this as an opportunity to give our story a makeover? 

It’s never a bad time to redefine yourself (again). We are abstract creatures; best to capture the different stages & seasons of you as they come.

Out with the old & in with the new.

  • OUT: What limiting beliefs can you let go of?
  • IN: What affirmations can you replace those old narratives with instead? Think about the tools you think are most appropriate to help you cope with the situation at hand. (Remember the story of the child transforming their fear of hot objects on the stove into a tool to feed themselves.)

Lastly, always remember; this too shall pass. The more effort & intention we can bring to releasing old patterns, the easier it becomes to replace them with healthier ones that inspire us to help ourselves. As we start to feel our mojo replenish, we notice the weight of our burdens become lighter & lighter. Eventually we look up & notice we’re no longer drowning in the depressive hole we felt trapped in before.

The objective isn’t to point blame for our circumstance, but rather to understand our inherent power to influence our experiences to be more enjoyable & fulfilling. I know it’s easy to forget we harbor that power, but every time you find your way back, ground yourself in it. The more transparent you can be with yourself, the better.

Some tips to point you off in the right direction:

  • What red flags have you been ignoring?
  • How can you exercise boundaries to create space for yourself?
  • In what ways could you adjust your behavior to better align with your values?
    • More specifically, how can you incorporate this in your daily routine?

Baby steps!

Praise yourself for taking the initiative to heal. It’s a never-ending process that we’d do best to learn how to enjoy/make the most of. The easiest way to get there is to accept life comes in seasons. Both the good & bad times will always come in waves. As you swing across the pendulum, your main goal should be to stay centered. The key is knowing how/when to choose yourself.

Your ability to lift yourself up from your lowest points in life is the ultimate act of self-love. This is how you master your fear of failure, grow into your most authentic narrative, & develop a *healthy* relationship with your ego. 

Lastly, you don’t have to wait until you’ve hit rock bottom to help yourself. Crash & burn doesn’t have to be the only way we learn. Consider the value of being proactive instead. It’s never a bad time to do some maintenance on your mental health. 🙂

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