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wellness vs health

Wellness vs Health: Is There A Difference?

wellness vs health

You probably hear the terms “health” and “wellness” often used interchangeably. While many of their facets do overlap, they each have distinct meanings and implications for your well-being. In this blog, we will explore their definitions and how they intersect to contribute to your overall vitality. 

The main difference between health and wellness is:

  • Health refers to the absence of disease or illness
  • Wellness encompasses the absence of disease, as well as the presence of activities and lifestyle choices that proactively manage health

When we talk about “health”, we assess the current state of someone’s physical, mental, or emotional state at any given moment. On the other hand, “wellness” considers a more holistic approach that not only includes the absence of illness and disease, but comprises aspects like cognitive learning, emotional intelligence, resilience, coping mechanisms, spirituality, personal growth, professional development, identity, relationships, and environmental health.

The intersection of health and wellness

Health and wellness intersect on a foundational level. Good health can provide a solid foundation for optimal wellness, and a wellness lifestyle can contribute to better health outcomes. For example:

  • Regular physical activity improves physical health (duh). However, it also promotes emotional well-being and reduces stress (wellness).
  • A balanced diet supports physical health and provides the body with the nutrients needed for optimal function (wellness).
  • Managing stress through relaxation techniques can improve mental and emotional well-being (wellness). Additionally, it also reduces the risk of stress-related illnesses (health).


In summary, health and wellness are distinct yet closely related concepts. Health primarily focuses on the absence of disease, while wellness encompasses a broader, holistic approach that involves proactive lifestyle rituals. Understanding this difference between health and wellness empowers you to make informed choices and pursue a more vibrant, fulfilling life through wellness practices. Striking a balance between health and wellness is key to achieving a higher quality of life and a greater sense of overall well-being.

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