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New Reflection Prompts For The Start Of A New Season

4 Reflection Prompts For The Start Of A New Season

“Look around your environment.

Rather than seeing items as objects, see them as magnets for your attention. Each object gently pulls a certain amount of your attention toward it.

Whenever you discard something, the tug of that object is released. You get some attention back.”

-James Clear

Okay, I know I’m late but, spring has sprung! 💐

The other day I went to reorganize my closet, and ended up getting rid of so much crap that had just been accumulating over the last year. Do you ever surprise yourself like that?

Anyway, the reason that was so noteworthy is because, now, every time I’m in my bathroom (where my closet is), I’m reminded of the solace it used to bring me. The bathroom has always been my favorite room in the house. When it’s decluttered and clean, it provides me an escape to safety in times of chaos. Somewhere I can let my guard down & relax. I use my bathroom not only as the place where I bathe & get ready, but also as my thinking or meditation space, where I go to clear my head, or even virtually meet with my therapist. Therefore, you can imagine how good it felt to purge the the old junk and restore it back to my peaceful, personal oasis.

Similarly, at the end of any season/the start of another, we should aim not only to restore our physical spaces, but those of our mental as well.

🎋 Here are four prompts I ask myself at the start of each new season:

  1. Are my goals and/or circumstances changing? How is this season different from the last?
  2. What habits, stories, relationships and/or projects are no longer serving me? What can I let go of?
  3. What habits, stories, projects and/or relationships should I nurture? What IS serving me that I should prioritize?
  4. What changes would I like to see transpire in the future?

I hope these questions are as helpful for you to reflect on as they are for me. Mostly, I hope they can be your guide to letting go & making for room new possibilities to manifest.

Enjoy <3

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